Learn about volunteer management, including the strategies for recruitment, retention, organization of participatory events, and the administration of necessary legal documentation, to foster an engaged and productive volunteer base. Participation also includes education and outreach activities and science communication with your volunteer base.
If you are a citizen science practitioner in Alberta, we encourage you to join the Citizen Science Alberta Community of Practice by adding yourself to the CitSci Directory. CitSci Alberta is open to all who share a passion for citizen science. Joining the directory also allows you to add: a project to the catalogue, upcoming events, and post-event resources.

Citizen Science Alberta Community of Practice

Citizen Science Alberta Community of Practice
Communities and Partnerships

Indigenous Climate Monitoring Toolkit
Education and Outreach

Association for Advancing Participatory Sciences
Health and Safety

Indigenous Climate Monitoring Toolkit
Legal Resources

Association for Advancing Participatory Sciences

Indigenous Climate Monitoring Toolkit
Volunteer Management

Freedom to care – Managing your volunteers
Government of Alberta

Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy
Edited by Susanne Hecker, Muki Haklay, Anne Bowser, Zen Makuch, Johannes Vogel & Aletta Bonn

ECS project showcase: Sharing insights and facilitating dialogue in citizen science
European Citizen Science Association (ECSA)

Heidi L. Ballard, Colin G.H. Dixon, Emily M. Harris