2024 May Bird Count Results


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The May Bird Count was initiated in 1976 by Nature Alberta encouraging cooperative efforts among naturalists to track bird populations across Alberta in fixed count circles, providing insight into population trends over time.

2024 May Bird Count Results are in! 445 participants spent 1,258 hours counting 160,206 individual birds from 263 species (plus 8 additional count week species). A new species was added to the count in Writing-on-stone: the ash-throated flycatcher. Another rarity was recorded in Cardston: the black-chinned hummingbird. We had a new record for number of common grackles (3,387), loggerhead shrikes (93), and blackburnian warblers (33). And participants didn’t find any yellow rail nor yellow-bellied flycatchers which were previously considered to be regulars on the count.

See how the numbers stack up against previous years in the compiled summary at https://naturealberta.ca/may-bird-count-2024-results/

List of collaborators (individuals or organizations) – Nature Alberta, Edmonton Nature Club, Lac La Biche Birding Society, Red Deer River Naturalists, BowKan Birds, Waterton Lakes National Park, Grasslands Naturalists Society.

Photo credit: black-chinned hummingbird by VJAnderson