Bumble Bee Box Monitoring Program

Bumble Bee Box Monitoring Program

In 2017, the Alberta Native Bee Council launched a citizen science program to monitor bumble bee nest boxes, similar to birdhouses. While colonization rates vary, about 25% of boxes in Alberta are occupied, with urban areas showing higher success. Participants can...
X-Stream Science

X-Stream Science

Across the Battle River Watershed, the X-stream Science program takes classes from Grade 7 to Grade 12 into their local streams and rivers to test benthic macroinvertebrates (BMI) as means to gain understanding of the waterbody’s pollution level.
Beetles of Alberta

Beetles of Alberta

This is an iNaturalist project that aims to document all species of Coleoptera (beetles) in Alberta. This information will help build a photo database of what species exist provincially and help with species identification. Because it is an iNaturalist project,...
Dragonflies of Alberta

Dragonflies of Alberta

This is an iNaturalist project that aims to document all species of Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) in Alberta. This information will help build a database of what species exist provincially. Because it is an iNaturalist project, participating is easy. Just take...